A firm commitment to environmental protection is our responsibility today and for future generations.
At On Track Drilling we understand that our drilling activities have both direct and indirect environmental impacts on the areas and communities in which we operate. We consistently strive to include the conservation of the planet’s natural resources and protection of the environment as an integral aspect of all our projects.
When we first begin a project, we conduct an in-depth assessment of the potential impact on the health and safety of the local community. We’re then able to integrate protective measures into the planning process. The company works in compliance with all applicable industry regulations and environmental protection procedures, and our company premises, equipment, and drilling locations are always professionally maintained to industry standards.
On Track’s land management policies involve the restoration of drill sites once a project is completed, returning the area to an acceptable environmental condition. In order to limit, reduce, or completely eliminate waste generation we recycle materials whenever this is possible. We also support green initiatives and local environmental programs in the areas where we work.
On Track Drilling is proud to be a leader in our industry and to act as a positive example to others. We are also continually developing initiatives that will help to reduce our carbon footprint, helping to sustain the planet and its resources now and in the future.