Community Engagement

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Looking Below the Surface

On Track Drilling is committed to the wellbeing and success of all our clients, partners, and employees and our efforts are firmly focused on health, safety and the environment. Corporate social responsibility is also at the very core of our company’s values.

At On Track, our community involvement initiatives include financial donations to charitable causes, long-term associations with non-profit and community groups, employee volunteer experience, networking with local businesses, and more.

We are committed to supporting the communities in which we work, determined to make a difference by giving back through our long-term partnerships with local and national organizations. We also work consistently to establish new connections within the community and to strengthen our existing ones.

On Track Drilling's Core Values

  • Safety First
  • Leadership
  • Client Relationships
  • Quality Services
  • Hard Work
  • Respect
  • Enjoy What You Do

Corporate Social Responsibility

At On Track Drilling, we firmly believe that community engagement helps us to bring positive change to the communities in which we work, as well as to our company and its employees. We understand that our drilling activities have both direct and indirect environmental impacts and we strive to commit to the protection of the environment as an integral part of our work.

Worksafe BC
BC Construction Safety Alliance
The British Columbia Ground Water Association
The Canadian Geotechnical Society
Engineers and Geoscientists BC